
Lisez nos actualités, idées et mises à jour de produits ici.

Passion project: Introduce OpenProject Command Line Interface (CLI)

Passion project: Introduce OpenProject Command Line Interface (CLI)

A command line interface (CLI) is a text-based user interface (UI) that allows users to run programs, manage computer files, and interact with the computer. CLIs accept only keyboard input as commands…
News from the Product Desk: PDF export of work plans

News from the Product Desk: PDF export of work plans

TLDR: Project teams currently end up spending a lot of time creating work plans manually in word processors. Smart teams should focus on content rather than on text formatting. They should use their brain…
OpenProject and Greenstand: utilizing open source software to battle climate change

OpenProject and Greenstand: utilizing open source software to battle climate change

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, and addressing it requires collective action from individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. Working as a community has always…
Passion project: Preview and restore backups via the OpenProject web interface

Passion project: Preview and restore backups via the OpenProject web interface

Backing-up your data is vital to your business. In order to guarantee that data will not get lost, continuous backups in separate locations should be essential. In the event of an accident, data can then…
Passion project: Fair language for OpenProject

Passion project: Fair language for OpenProject

Language is a powerful tool that influences our thoughts, beliefs and actions. Our words have the ability to change how we perceive the world around us. However, not all language is equal or fair. Fair…
Passion Time at OpenProject: Turning passion into benefit

Passion Time at OpenProject: Turning passion into benefit

It’s time for Passion Time: It’s that time of the year when we spend two weeks on topics that are close to our hearts. We call them passion projects. Passion is actually one of our company core values…
Record working time and manage projects – in one system

Record working time and manage projects – in one system

Do you need to record the working hours of your employees or track your own working time? There are many working time tracking tools on the market. Why don’t you keep it simple and manage all in one system…
OpenProject and Nextcloud: a strong combination for project management at universities

OpenProject and Nextcloud: a strong combination for project management at universities

The FutureWaterCampus is being built at the University of Duisburg-Essen, bringing together scientists and experts from different fields. To make the teams’ work more efficient and secure, a working group…
Deadline management made easy: Use customized date alerts!

Deadline management made easy: Use customized date alerts!

Do you know the nagging feeling of missing an important deadline? With automized deadline management, you can say goodbye to this feeling and enjoy a more relaxed work environment. OpenProject offers you…
5 agile boards to boost efficiency in multi-team projects

5 agile boards to boost efficiency in multi-team projects

Working with distributed teams on one or even more projects together can be quite challenging. You need to stay flexible, keep everybody informed, and quickly adapt to any kind of changes – and keep an…
How to integrate OpenProject and GitHub

How to integrate OpenProject and GitHub

OpenProject makes it possible to integrate GitHub, so the planning and specifications of a development project are better integrated with the development side of things. With this integration, you can…
OpenProject vs Trello

OpenProject vs Trello

Trello is a very popular and intuitive project management and issue tracking software tool. It is especially suitable for Kanban project management methodology. In 2017 it was acquired by Atlassian and…
L'application d'intégration d'OpenProject pour Nextcloud est disponible en version 2.3.6

L'application d'intégration d'OpenProject pour Nextcloud est disponible en version 2.3.6

Nous travaillons continuellement sur notre application d’intégration d’OpenProject pour Nextcloud et venons de sortir la version 2.3.6.…
OpenProject 12.5.4 Security Release

OpenProject 12.5.4 Security Release

OpenProject 12.5.4 has just been released with two security related bug fixes identified and reported by a security researcher. They do not pose immediate or high threats, but we do recommend you update…
Full text attachment search is released into Community edition

Full text attachment search is released into Community edition

Our commitment to supporting our incredible community remains unwavering, and we are convinced that continually improving the OpenProject Community edition will benefit everyone. And so, with every major…
News from the Product Desk: Baseline

News from the Product Desk: Baseline

In August 2021, OpenProject hired two UX/UI designers, Marc and Parimal, and formed a new product team along with CEO Niels. Since then, we’ve been working on three fronts with each release: new features…
OpenProject : l'alternative conviviale à Redmine

OpenProject : l'alternative conviviale à Redmine

OpenProject vs. Redmine : Une comparaison entre OpenProject et Redmine montre que les deux outils diffèrent aujourd’hui en termes de conception et d’utilisation, bien qu’ils aient les mêmes bases.…
OpenProject release 12.5: direct upload and linking of files to Nextcloud

OpenProject release 12.5: direct upload and linking of files to Nextcloud

OpenProject 12.5 is released, and it is again packed with many new collaboration features, improvements and bug fixes. With the OpenProject Nextcloud integration it now becomes possible to directly upload…
OpenProject 12.5 is on its way

OpenProject 12.5 is on its way

We are currently in the final phase of preparations for the new release OpenProject 12.5, scheduled for Monday, March 20, 2023.…
OpenProject : l'alternative open source à Taiga

OpenProject : l'alternative open source à Taiga

Taiga est un logiciel de gestion de projet open source qui prend en charge les équipes agiles.…