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Preview: Emoji reactions on work package comments

Preview: Emoji reactions on work package comments

Exciting news – A long-requested feature from our Community is about to become reality: Emoji reactions are coming to OpenProject! Users will soon be able to choose from seven emojis to react to comments…
OpenProject integration app for Nextcloud released in version 2.7.1

OpenProject integration app for Nextcloud released in version 2.7.1

The OpenProject integration app for Nextcloud has already been released in version 2.7.0 and just today in version 2.7.1! ✨…
Growing with purpose: How OpenProject’s People & Organization team is preparing for the next big leap

Growing with purpose: How OpenProject’s People & Organization team is preparing for the next big leap

In this edition of OpenProject’s culture series, we sat down with two key members of the People & Organization Team, Dorothee and Giuseppe, to discuss their roles, their experiences so far, and their vision…
L'essor du lieu de travail souverain : openDesk est votre alternative open source à Microsoft et Google

L'essor du lieu de travail souverain : openDesk est votre alternative open source à Microsoft et Google

Important …
Juice : OpenProject en route vers Europa

Juice : OpenProject en route vers Europa

*** Europe, la lune glacée de Jupiter, est considérée comme la candidate la plus prometteuse pour la vie extraterrestre dans le système solaire. Grâce à une entreprise spatiale de Brême, OpenProject fait…
openDesk 1.0 is here!

openDesk 1.0 is here!

Now it’s official: openDesk 1.0 is here! We at OpenProject are very happy and excited to contribute the component for project management to this platform. Currently, we are at the Smart Country Convention…
OpenProject 14.6: Most flexible progress reporting

OpenProject 14.6: Most flexible progress reporting

We are happy to announce that we have released OpenProject 14.6! Read more about highlight features in this blog article.…
Changements dans la tarification et le conditionnement de Jira Service Management : ce que vous devez savoir et comment OpenProject se présente comme une alternative rentable

Changements dans la tarification et le conditionnement de Jira Service Management : ce que vous devez savoir et comment OpenProject se présente comme une alternative rentable

Atlassian a récemment annoncé des changements significatifs dans la tarification et le conditionnement des produits Jira Service Management (JSM) Cloud, dans le but d’améliorer ses offres tout en s’adaptant…
Comment gagner du temps en utilisant des macros dans les éditeurs d'OpenProject

Comment gagner du temps en utilisant des macros dans les éditeurs d'OpenProject

La gestion manuelle des données et des documents d’un projet est frustrante et prend beaucoup de temps. Vous avez besoin d’un moyen d’organiser les choses sans effort supplémentaire ni savoir-faire technique…
OpenProject's Creative Director on the evolution of OpenProject's UI, AI in design, and more

OpenProject's Creative Director on the evolution of OpenProject's UI, AI in design, and more

When it comes to your project management tool of choice, a few key features are vital to supporting the work you do every day. Those may differ from person to person, team to team, company to company.…
News from the Product Desk: Changes to progress tracking in 14.6 based on user feedback

News from the Product Desk: Changes to progress tracking in 14.6 based on user feedback

In version 14.0, we made significant changes to the way that progress and work estimates are tracked in OpenProject. Since then, we have received extensive feedback from our user community telling us that…
Pourquoi les universités choisissent-elles OpenProject pour enseigner la gestion de projet ?

Pourquoi les universités choisissent-elles OpenProject pour enseigner la gestion de projet ?

L’utilisation de logiciels comme modèle d’enseignement exige des normes aussi rigoureuses que celles du marché libre. La transparence et l’indépendance sont importantes, de même qu’un large éventail de…
Interview with Frank Weber on customer success at OpenProject

Interview with Frank Weber on customer success at OpenProject

Frank Weber has been with OpenProject for a little over 3 years but has known CEO Niels Lindenthal for 20 years, since 2004. They met at Georgia State University when Niels was an MBA exchange student…
OpenProject 14.5: Restore local backups in text editor, new export modal and more

OpenProject 14.5: Restore local backups in text editor, new export modal and more

We are happy to announce that we have released OpenProject 14.5! Here is an overview of highlight changes:…
Work anywhere: Opportunities at OpenProject

Work anywhere: Opportunities at OpenProject

At OpenProject, we believe that the best work happens when people are empowered to choose environments that suit them. Whether it’s a home office in the Brandenburg countryside, a co-working space in Madrid…
Comment utiliser les transitions de statut pour les flux de travail personnalisés ?

Comment utiliser les transitions de statut pour les flux de travail personnalisés ?

OpenProject est un outil puissant, mais cette puissance s’accompagne d’une complexité de personnalisation. Si vous venez de découvrir OpenProject et que vous avez des difficultés à définir des statuts…
Rattraper le retard en toute confiance : comment comprendre rapidement les modifications apportées dans OpenProject après votre absence

Rattraper le retard en toute confiance : comment comprendre rapidement les modifications apportées dans OpenProject après votre absence

Qu’il s’agisse de vacances bien méritées ou d’une maladie inattendue, l’absence au travail peut compliquer le suivi de l’avancement de vos projets. La pression pour vous remettre à jour rapidement et efficacement…
Interview with Birthe Lindenthal on 10 years of OpenProject

Interview with Birthe Lindenthal on 10 years of OpenProject

OpenProject is special. Several of their employees have been with the company for over 10 years. Birthe Lindenthal is one. She built up the company from the very beginning together with her boyfriend and…
Escalate correctly!

Escalate correctly!

Should the messenger of bad news be killed? – Of course not! But if they only bring bad news, that’s a problem. In projects, escalation occurs when one’s authority is no longer sufficient to resolve an…
OpenProject 14.4: Dark mode for OpenProject

OpenProject 14.4: Dark mode for OpenProject

We have released OpenProject 14.4. We have added a dark mode for OpenProject, divided permissions on project attributes into “view” and “edit” rights, improved status-based progress reporting so that users…