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Funciones - Page 2

Cómo utilizar transiciones de estado para flujos de trabajo personalizados

Cómo utilizar transiciones de estado para flujos de trabajo personalizados

OpenProject es una herramienta poderosa, pero un gran poder conlleva una gran complejidad de personalización. Si es nuevo en OpenProject y tiene problemas para configurar los estados de los flujos de trabajo…
Póngase al día con confianza: cómo entender rápidamente los cambios en OpenProject tras su ausencia

Póngase al día con confianza: cómo entender rápidamente los cambios en OpenProject tras su ausencia

Ya se trate de unas vacaciones muy necesarias o de una enfermedad inesperada, estar lejos del trabajo puede suponer un reto a la hora de mantenerse al tanto del progreso de sus proyectos. La presión para…
Más allá de MS Word: Genere automáticamente archivos PDF con un bonito estilo para contratos, avisos de aprobación y órdenes de proyecto

Más allá de MS Word: Genere automáticamente archivos PDF con un bonito estilo para contratos, avisos de aprobación y órdenes de proyecto

Los equipos de éxito siempre desafían el statu quo y buscan mejoras. Los mejores se centran en las actividades de alto valor que contribuyen al éxito del proyecto: evitan las tareas repetitivas de poco…
Lights out! Dark Mode is coming to OpenProject

Lights out! Dark Mode is coming to OpenProject

Exciting news: Dark mode is coming to OpenProject! With one of the next releases, users will be able to use OpenProject in a dark mode. Of course this is voluntary and a personal preference - anyone who…
How to get started with OpenProject on-premises installation

How to get started with OpenProject on-premises installation

We offer two versions of OpenProject on-premises: the Community edition and the Enterprise edition.…
From Community plugin to official integration: OpenProject and GitLab

From Community plugin to official integration: OpenProject and GitLab

Academic institutions often use GitLab to organize, collaborate, and complete projects related to student learning, student and departmental research, and classroom instruction. Many of these same academic…
Favorite projects coming with OpenProject 14.1

Favorite projects coming with OpenProject 14.1

We are very happy to announce that our next release will include the possibility to favor projects, displayed in the form of stars. This feature has been requested by many users and will be a great benefit…
How we manage meetings with the OpenProject software

How we manage meetings with the OpenProject software

A meeting does not only consist of a bunch of people talking at a certain time and place. From inviting attendees and setting the agenda to drawing up minutes – a successful meeting has to be well managed…
Quick tip: Create a 'Self-assign button' for work packages

Quick tip: Create a 'Self-assign button' for work packages

OpenProject enables you to manage projects quickly and successfully. A major advantage of OpenProject is its high level of customizability. However, due to the large number of options, it is not always…
News from the Product Desk: Significant changes to progress and work estimates

News from the Product Desk: Significant changes to progress and work estimates

Important: In one of our future releases, the way that progress and work estimates are tracked and calculated will change in a significant manner. Some previously-entered values might be changed on update…
OpenProject Roadmap 2024: Which topics are we planning to work on?

OpenProject Roadmap 2024: Which topics are we planning to work on?

Transparency and openness are core values of OpenProject. That is why we are excited to share our roadmap 2024 with you and show in more detail which features and topics we plan to work on. At the same…