
Lea nuestras noticias, ideas y actualizaciones del producto aquí.

Interview with Kabiru Mwenja on work culture at OpenProject

Interview with Kabiru Mwenja on work culture at OpenProject

Hi, I’m Kabiru. I am a software engineer at OpenProject. I have been on the team for 1.5 years.…
The open project management methodology PM2 is the best alternative to PMI and PRINCE2

The open project management methodology PM2 is the best alternative to PMI and PRINCE2

Read why the free and open project management methodology PM2 is a superior alternative to proprietary and expensive frameworks such as PMI and PRINCE2.…
Más allá de MS Word: Genere automáticamente archivos PDF con un bonito estilo para contratos, avisos de aprobación y órdenes de proyecto

Más allá de MS Word: Genere automáticamente archivos PDF con un bonito estilo para contratos, avisos de aprobación y órdenes de proyecto

Los equipos de éxito siempre desafían el statu quo y buscan mejoras. Los mejores se centran en las actividades de alto valor que contribuyen al éxito del proyecto: evitan las tareas repetitivas de poco…
Interview with Aaron Contreras on work culture at OpenProject

Interview with Aaron Contreras on work culture at OpenProject

Hi, my name is Aaron. I live in Panama City, Panama.…
Democratizing Healthcare: Open source MRI for everyone

Democratizing Healthcare: Open source MRI for everyone

In the field of medical technology, the pursuit of innovation and accessibility has never been more important. Conventional MRI scanners are prohibitively expensive, limiting their availability to financially…
La mejor alternativa de código abierto a

La mejor alternativa de código abierto a

Si busca un software de gestión de proyectos y compara distintas soluciones, acabará tropezando con Hemos analizado detenidamente el software y lo hemos comparado con el software gratuito de…
The role of a project Steering Committee

The role of a project Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is responsible for the success of a project. Anyone puzzled by this statement adheres to traditional project management, which views projects as delivery tasks and holds the project…
Insights: FAQ about our recruiting process

Insights: FAQ about our recruiting process

People often ask us about our interview process for hiring new employees: Whether they are considering applying or are simply curious about how we do it. We have invested a lot of time and effort into…
OpenProject 14.3: Favorite and share project lists

OpenProject 14.3: Favorite and share project lists

We have released OpenProject 14.3. Among other changes, we’ve added some great updates to the project lists: Users can now add project lists to their favorites. As an Enterprise add-on, it is now also…
Making a difference with technology: How GIZ uses OpenProject for development in Rwanda

Making a difference with technology: How GIZ uses OpenProject for development in Rwanda

At OpenProject, we are always proud to support organizations that drive meaningful projects. One of these organizations is GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, a renowned German…
How to successfully implement a remote working culture

How to successfully implement a remote working culture

Not every organization that potentially was able to, was already set up for remote work when the Covid pandemic hit in 2020. It might have been for security reasons, not being in line with the working…
Lights out! Dark Mode is coming to OpenProject

Lights out! Dark Mode is coming to OpenProject

Exciting news: Dark mode is coming to OpenProject! With one of the next releases, users will be able to use OpenProject in a dark mode. Of course this is voluntary and a personal preference - anyone who…
News from the DevOps team: Improving our CI/CD reliability with RunsOn

News from the DevOps team: Improving our CI/CD reliability with RunsOn

OpenProject uses a large test suite for our Rails-based application, which includes a high number of compute-intensive system tests. In the past, we used Travis CI before moving to GitHub Actions with…
OpenProject 14.2: Progress reporting in days

OpenProject 14.2: Progress reporting in days

Today, we have released OpenProject 14.2. Among other changes, you can now record Work and Remaining work in days – additionally to just hours. To do so, you can also now specify how many hours a working…
Beyond projects: Boost your entire work cycle with the work management software OpenProject

Beyond projects: Boost your entire work cycle with the work management software OpenProject

How much of your time do you REALLY spend on projects? - Many people think and plan in terms of projects, but at the same time, a huge amount of their day-to-day work is done outside of projects: For instance…
How to get started with OpenProject on-premises installation

How to get started with OpenProject on-premises installation

We offer two versions of OpenProject on-premises: the Community edition and the Enterprise edition.…
8 soluciones de software de código abierto para el sector público

8 soluciones de software de código abierto para el sector público

El software de código abierto es cada vez más importante, especialmente en el sector público europeo. El código abierto implica proporcionar acceso a su código fuente o a segmentos del mismo, permitiendo…
From Community plugin to official integration: OpenProject and GitLab

From Community plugin to official integration: OpenProject and GitLab

Academic institutions often use GitLab to organize, collaborate, and complete projects related to student learning, student and departmental research, and classroom instruction. Many of these same academic…
OpenProject 14.1: PDF export of Gantt view and more

OpenProject 14.1: PDF export of Gantt view and more

Today we have released OpenProject 14.1. Among other changes, the Gantt view can now be exported as a PDF, e.g. for printing purposes (Enterprise Add-on). Another new feature that is highly appreciated…
Interview with Markus Kahl on maturing the OpenProject Cloud offering

Interview with Markus Kahl on maturing the OpenProject Cloud offering

Markus Kahl is OpenProject’s Senior Site Reliability and Operations Engineer. Like his colleague, COO Robin Wagner, he has been with the company since its early days.…