OpenProject GDPR compliance

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OpenProject will comply to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

OpenProject stands for security for your data and secure processes. Protecting your personal data is for OpenProject more than just a legal requirement. We are highly committed to data security and privacy and have this conscience deeply integrated in our company’s processes and mindset. We are a company based in the European Union and the awareness and importance for data security and privacy actions have always been a major topic for us.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European regulation to harmonize the rules within the EU for handling personal data of private companies or public organizations. The GDPR also extends this EU data protection regulation law to all foreign companies processing data of EU residents. The GDPR compliance is self-evident for OpenProject.

More eyes see more! Since we are an Open Source software, all our code is free and open source and will be reviewed not just from our Dev team, QA and security experts but also from the public.

En nuestra estrategia de privacidad y seguridad de los datos, se incluyen todos los aspectos de nuestro negocio

  • OpenProject’s security and data privacy policies
  • Free and open source code basis for public
  • Seguridad física y del entorno
  • Procesos de seguridad operativa
  • Escalabilidad y fiabilidad de la arquitectura de sistemas
  • OpenProject’s data model access control
  • Mantenimiento y desarrollo de sistemas
  • Services provisioning
  • Regular external security and privacy audits of security experts

OpenProject monitors thoroughly and continuously the developments and regulations for data security, privacy and compliance within the EU and all around the globe. We take our responsibility very seriously when it comes to taking care of personal data, secure processes, secure infrastructure, and a secure application.

Acuerdo de procesamiento de datos de OpenProject (DPA)

OpenProject complies with GDPR and we handle our customer’s data with care. As part of OpenProject GDPR compliance, we offer a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) to our clients, that state OpenProject GDPR requirements and that reflect our data privacy and security commitments to our clients. The contract can be signed directly in the Administration of your OpenProject cloud environment.

Contact the OpenProject Security Team

If you have any questions, please contact our Security team:

Read more about the OpenProject GDPR compliance and our data privacy and security statement.