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Open Source - Page 4

What makes it special to be a developer for an open source software?

What makes it special to be a developer for an open source software?

Software engineers and developers are probably the most sought after profession at the moment. They mostly have a wide choice of companies to work for. So how would a developer make their decision? Besides…
OpenProject - GitHub integration

OpenProject - GitHub integration

With OpenProject 11.3 we are releasing an exciting new integration between GitHub and OpenProject. This integration facilitates the collaboration of developers by connecting the two applications.…
OpenProject and Nextcloud integration connects project management with content collaboration platform

OpenProject and Nextcloud integration connects project management with content collaboration platform

Nextcloud, the worlds’ most deployed on-premises content collaboration platform, and OpenProject, the leading free and open source project management software, join forces. For both Nextcloud and OpenProject…
Warum freie Open Source Software Geld kosten darf?

Warum freie Open Source Software Geld kosten darf?

Wir erhalten immer wieder Fragen von Nutzer:innen, die sich wundern, warum einige Enterprise Add-ons von freier und Open Source Software Geld kosten dürfen. Die Kommentare gehen sogar so weit zu sagen…
What do Open Source Seeds and Open Source Software have in common?

What do Open Source Seeds and Open Source Software have in common?

Did you know that the freedom of our seeds is in danger? I have to admit I just learned about it a few days ago! Just as for open source software, patents for seeds are owned by very few big monopolies…
FOSDEM 2020 - Treffe OpenProject Gründer und CEO Niels Lindenthal

FOSDEM 2020 - Treffe OpenProject Gründer und CEO Niels Lindenthal

FOSDEM is one of the biggest free events for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Jedes Jahr werden Tausende von Entwickler:innen freier und quelloffener Software sowie alle großen…
Why OpenProject is the better Trello alternative

Why OpenProject is the better Trello alternative

Agile project management is around now for quite a long time and became popular for most industries and organizations. It is now a well-established methodology to foster collaboration and to quickly react…
OpenProject wins SILVER OSCAR of the open source scene

OpenProject wins SILVER OSCAR of the open source scene

OpenProject is proud to take home the SILVER Open Source Business Award (OSBAR). It is called the OSCAR of the open source scene and it is awarded by the Open Source Business Alliance. The price was nominated…
Top open source project management software

Top open source project management software

Finding the right project management software is not an easy task. Actually, it is if you are looking for a secure open source project management software.…
OpenProject joins Open Source Initiative

OpenProject joins Open Source Initiative

We are very happy and proud to announce that OpenProject has been accepted as Affiliate Member by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).…
OpenProject: The project management alternative to Asana

OpenProject: The project management alternative to Asana

Asana is one of the best known players in the project management software space. It focuses on simplicity and usability and has made it its mission to replace email.…