
Lesen Sie hier unsere Neuigkeiten, Ideen und Produktupdates.

Why to choose an open source project management software?

Why to choose an open source project management software?

You are looking at different project management software solutions and are comparing them to find out which one to choose? OpenProject is the leading open source project management software that supports…
OpenProjects Bekenntnis zu Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit

OpenProjects Bekenntnis zu Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit

OpenProject möchte einen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeit von Projektteams leisten. Es geht um die Vernetzung von Menschen, so dass diese effektiv an einem gemeinsamen Ziel zusammenarbeiten…
OpenProject’s highlights 2022

OpenProject’s highlights 2022

We are closing off 2022 and are looking back at an exciting year. It brought amazing new features to the OpenProject application as well as great changes to the way we work at OpenProject.…
OpenProject 12.4: date alerts for upcoming dates and overdue tasks

OpenProject 12.4: date alerts for upcoming dates and overdue tasks

Today we are happy to present to you OpenProject 12.4. This release launches a long awaited feature. That is date alerts for upcoming due dates (start or finish date) and reminders for overdue tasks. Also…
Multi-factor authentication to improve data security

Multi-factor authentication to improve data security

Working with a project management software has probably made you very aware of data security and privacy because project management includes dealing with a lot of sensitive information - from business…
OpenProject Nutzungshandbuch jetzt auf Deutsch verfügbar

OpenProject Nutzungshandbuch jetzt auf Deutsch verfügbar

Wir möchten es Ihnen so einfach wie möglich machen, mit OpenProject zu arbeiten. Und das Lesen einer Dokumentation in einer fremden Sprache ist nicht einfach. Deshalb haben wir mit der Übersetzung unserer…
How universities and research institutes use project management software

How universities and research institutes use project management software

With the pandemic, like many others, also the education sector was forced into digitalizing. Project management software for universities and research institutions provides a single platform to exchange…
OpenProject vorne dabei als Open Source Projektmanagement-Software für Hochschulen

OpenProject vorne dabei als Open Source Projektmanagement-Software für Hochschulen

The results of the ZKI (The German association of Higher Education (HE) IT centers and public funded research organizations) Strategy and Organization working group on software solutions at universities…
OpenProject Nextcloud integration 2.1

OpenProject Nextcloud integration 2.1

We are delighted about our collaboration with the Nextcloud team and proud to announce the release 2.1 of the OpenProject Nextcloud integration. It is now much easier to access OpenProject from within…
Why to choose an open source cloud software?

Why to choose an open source cloud software?

Open source cloud software can be a very appealing, superior solution. Let us discuss why and in what case.…
Bewährte Praktiken für die Sicherheit von SaaS-Anwendungen

Bewährte Praktiken für die Sicherheit von SaaS-Anwendungen

Die größte Sorge bei der Entscheidung für eine SaaS-Anwendung ist die Datensicherheit. Sind Ihre Daten sicher? Wer hat Zugang zu Ihren Daten? Was ist, wenn das Rechenzentrum von einer Naturkatastrophe…
Open Source Workplace for the Public Sector

Open Source Workplace for the Public Sector

Software, made in Europe — made for Europe.…
OpenProject 12.3: advanced scheduling with definition of a work week and duration of work packages

OpenProject 12.3: advanced scheduling with definition of a work week and duration of work packages

We are proud to present to you OpenProject 12.3. This release launches significant improvements to the scheduling of work packages and will make your life easier when creating timelines and scheduling…
Cloud Projektmanagement-Software - OpenProject

Cloud Projektmanagement-Software - OpenProject

Cloud Computing stellt Speicher, Server, Datenbanken, Netzwerke oder Software in der Cloud oder im virtuellen Raum zur Verfügung. Dadurch können Nutzer:innen über das Internet auf alle Daten zugreifen…
OpenProject 12.2: file management with Nextcloud, improved scheduling and log time for other users

OpenProject 12.2: file management with Nextcloud, improved scheduling and log time for other users

We are proud to present to you OpenProject 12.2. This release makes us especially excited about the next step in the Nextcloud integration which is enhancing file management in OpenProject. For both OpenProject…
Release Management Software - OpenProject

Release Management Software - OpenProject

Selbstverständlich verwenden wir als Softwareunternehmen unser eigenes Produkt, um unsere Releases zu planen und zu verwalten. OpenProject-Anwender:innen wissen, dass wir versuchen, häufig zu releasen…
Ticket management with OpenProject

Ticket management with OpenProject

If you are using OpenProject with your team to manage your projects, you could consider more use cases. We would like to show you how, besides project management, you could make even more use of OpenProject…
Projektmanagement-Software On-Premises - OpenProject

Projektmanagement-Software On-Premises - OpenProject

OpenProject is the leading open source project management software. While providing a premium, powerful project management software, OpenProject is highly committed to data security and privacy. Im Projektmanagement…
Erfolgreiche Projektabwicklung: Zeit und Budget einhalten

Erfolgreiche Projektabwicklung: Zeit und Budget einhalten

Sie liefern ein erfolgreiches Projekt, wenn Sie die Budget- und Terminvorgaben sowie die Erwartungen der Beteiligten in Bezug auf Umfang und Qualität erfüllen.…
Project KPIs: How to track progress and measure success of your project

Project KPIs: How to track progress and measure success of your project

The objective of this article is to provide a short overview of KPIs that can be used to monitor a project’s progress. Of course, the list is not exhaustive and every project manager has to decide which…