OpenProject 10.4: New time tracking widget, cost report export and themes

Geschätzte Lesezeit: 4 Minuten

OpenProject 10.4 is here. The new release of the open source project management software contains a new time tracking widget for the My page which facilitates visualizing and logging time spent on your tasks. Additionally, cost reports can now be exported to Excel.

Enterprise cloud and Enterprise on-premises users can now choose between the default OpenProject theme, a light theme and a dark theme. This provides a good starting point for further customization.

What is new in OpenProject 10.4?

Spent time widget on My page

Tracking your own time is a lot easier with OpenProject 10.4. The release replaces the existing Spent time widget on your personal My page with a modern time tracking overview. You can now easily see your logged time in a comprehensive weekly calendar view.

The tasks you worked on are color-coded. Therefore, you see right away which tasks you spent the most time on in the current week. Viewing or changing your logged hours is also a lot easier - simply drag and drop the time block to the correct day to make a change.

Spent time widget on My Page

Export cost reports to Excel

Having the ability to export cost reports was one of the most requested features. With OpenProject 10.4 you can just that. From your cost report set the appropriate filters and export it as an Excel document.

The Excel spreadsheet lists the tracked time, cost, as well as the different cost types. This makes it very easy to perform further computations or to forward the data to someone else, e.g. your accounting department.

Export cost report to Excel

Light and dark theme for OpenProject (Enterprise add-on)

Enterprise cloud and Enterprise on-premises users can now easily customize the look and feel of their OpenProject environment by using a custom logo and adjusting the color theme. With OpenProject 10.4 this gets a lot easier - thanks to default themes. Simply choose between the OpenProject theme, the light theme and the dark theme.

These themes are optimized and fulfill accessibility requirements. You can further customize them by starting with one of the default themes and adjusting individual colors based on your needs.

Light and dark theme

Updated menus for project and system administration

The menus in the project and system administration are updated with OpenProject 10.4. Wherever possible the tab navigation has been replaced with sub menus.

The other tabs menus have been updated to a modern layout. Additionally, the email settings have moved out into their own menu item in the system administration.

Layout project admin settings

Usability improvements and bug fixes

OpenProject 10.4 introduces several usability improvements and bug fixes. For a complete overview of the bug fixes, refer to the OpenProject 10.4 release notes.

Installation und Aktualisierungen

To use OpenProject 10.4 right away, create an instance on

Prefer to run OpenProject 10.4 in your own infrastructure? Here you can find the Installation guidelines for OpenProject.

Want to upgrade from a Community version to try out the light or dark theme? Get a 14 days free trial token.

Migrating to OpenProject 10.4

Follow the upgrade guide for the packaged installation or Docker installation to update your OpenProject installation to OpenProject 10.4.

We update hosted OpenProject environments (Enterprise cloud) automatically.


You will find useful information in the OpenProject FAQ or you can post your questions in the Forum.


Please refer to the OpenProject 10.4 Release Notes for an overview of the new and improved features, as well as a list of fixed bugs.


Besonderer Dank geht an alle OpenProject Mitwirkenden, ohne die diese Version nicht möglich wäre:

  • Alle Entwickler:innen, Designer:innen und Projektleiter:innen, die zu OpenProject beigetragen haben.
  • Every dedicated user who has reported bugs and supported the community by asking and answering questions in the forum.
  • All the engaged users who provided translations on CrowdIn.

Wie geht es weiter?

We are continuously developing new features and improvements for OpenProject. The next release will include improved scheduling in the Gantt chart. Take a look at the release timeline to see the upcoming features and releases.

OpenProject 10.4 BIM Edition for construction project management for the building industry

Furthermore, the OpenProject 10.4 release contains more features, especially developed for project management for the building industry. OpenProject BIM Edition now contains a 3D model viewer (IFC) to upload and share multiple building models directly in OpenProject. Read more about the building specific features for the OpenProject BIM Edition here.

To stay up to date with the recent development, feel free to follow OpenProject on Twitter and like OpenProject on Facebook.